Common medical conditions that may respond to chiropractic care.
On this page we discuss some of the controversial aspects of the medical-chiropractic conflict, and some "medical" conditions that may respond to chiropractic treatment.
Many chiropractors in the early twentieth century who were treating patients with back pain were jailed for 'practising medicine'. So, when is a condition 'medical' and when is it 'chiropractic'? If you have back pain, for example.
Pure semantics, right? We could try and clarify things by saying if your back pain is caused by cancer, then you have a medical condition. But if it's a sacro iliac condition, then it's chiropractic.
Plus a few
controversial bits from the medical research. Did you know that medical
doctors are seriously treating patients with auto-immune diseases like
multiple sclerosis with intestinal worms! Is that medical?
Diseases of the Immune System. Use the site search function to find the link.
Frankly, so much nonsense as far as I'm concerned! Can gentle chiropractic play a role in cancer of the spine? Certainly! Now you have raised your eyebrow!
Well, when my father's lung cancer, yes, he was a smoker and died eighteen years younger than his father, metastasized to his spine, he got more relief of his back pain from my gentle treatment than the morphine his doctor provided.
Was I treating the cancer? No. Did chiropractic have a role to play? I think so?
And does your doctor's medication which helps you get over the painful sacroiliac syndrome have a place in this strictly chiropractic condition? Certainly it may.
To which I might add, that I like my patients to feel the pain. Then they don't go playing silly buggers. Excuse the French, but I've learnt the hard way about what happens if you turn the pain off before common medical conditions or chiropractic conditions have healed. Pain believe it or not is your friend. Ignore him at your peril.
Bamboo spine
A medical disease that may respond reasonably well to gentle chiropractic.
Urinary incontinence
Leaking bladder in women and premature ejaculation in men:
Morton's neuroma
Pain and tingling in the forefoot and toes.
Chest pain and heart attack
It could be a heart attack, of course, but a rib subluxation also causes chest pain in the midback, under the armpit or smack over the heart.
Ask anyone involved with chiropractic help and they will tell you that they has got a good few patients pregnant !
Prostate cancer and benign hypertrophy
The prostate gland is very important to the chiropractor. Firstly, when enlarged it complicates conditions of the pelvis like hip arthritis or a sacroiliac syndrome that your chiro may be treating. Symptoms overlap masking one another.
Secondly, and perhaps even more significantly, a prostate malignancy, the most common serious urinary tract condition of men, has a tendency to metastasize to the bones of the pelvis.
It behooves every chiropractor to keep in mind that his older male patient may well have a prostatic condition. Prevention is the key; tomatoes, bee pollen in raw honey and avocados. Enjoy them all regularly.
Likewise, every chiropractor needs constantly to remind young women, yes, youthful females that achieving strong bones, full of calcium, before the age of twenty five is what will save them from a most miserable female affliction. Osteoporosis is a silent, progressive debilitating disease that, by the time it's diagnosed, it is too late to do much about it.
Worse than the pain is the disability that goes with osteoporosis.
The busy woman in her fifties or sixties, perhaps an Angela Merkel, aged 59, goes on a regular crosscountry skiing expedition, or perhaps just down your garden; she makes an awkward turn, slips on a bank, lifts half a bucket of water and bingo, she has fractured her hip, or pelvis, or a spinal vertebra.
Severe pain and disability is the result; fosamax reviews suggests that it causes more problems than it solves.
Few things are more disturbing to a healthy doctor-patient relationship that a sense that your doctor / chiropractor is trying to squeeze more money out of you. It creates many tensions, and invites questions about what is ethical and what is clearly not when faced with common medical conditions.
You might enjoy this short story about how your chiropractor is facing this issue. A ten minute read. Type "selling sickness" into the site search function in the navigation bar.
THUNDERCLAP HEADACHE ...thankfully not a common medical condition.
The worst headache of my life. THUNDERCLAP HEADACHE ...
Colic Chiropractic ... do you know the Rule of Three?…
A few months ago a woman asked if I could help her twelve year old daughter's tummy ache, surely one of the most common medical conditions. I was dubious, but willing to try. The girl had had debilitating pain associated with constipation. Various tests by an internist proved negative, and she was placed on a regimen of prescription fibre. It helped in part, but she continued to have serious pain.
Only two things were obvious. She had a sacroiliac joint subluxation, and her diet was dreadful. We addressed both, and within two weeks the child was a completely different girl. All we did was to add plenty of delicious fibre to her diet, beetroot constipation, and adjust her pelvis. Which helped? I don't know, but really, does it matter?
Adjusting the fixation meant she was not going to get arthritis in the joint anyway, whether it helped the constipation of not. Getting her to eat some salad, apples and beetroot, tasty and healthful, provides her with the minerals and vitamins, enzymes and anti oxidants that she needs anyway. Win win.
It's really not rocket science. Chiropractic saved her medical insurance a packet in prescription medication, and it proved far more effective in any case. A year of misery when all she needed was a few simple changes in her lifestyle, and a few adjustments of her sacroiliac joint.
Yes, it's true.
This is an unsubstantiated anecdote. It proves nothing. Try convincing
Fleur that chiropractic has nothing to add to common medical conditions!
Sacroiliac joint inflammation.
Indigestion Heartburn
Indigestion, it's not rocket science for the majority of sufferers.
Shingles, there's no research, but my experience is that chiropractic helps if it's on the torso or down the leg.
Tic Douloureux
One of the most painful conditions known to man, this neuralgia often has associated neck pain because the sensory nucleus of the trigeminal nerve is located in the upper neck.
New treatment called the Epley manoeuvres works like a treat. Best care does not include medication. Vertigo dizziness.
LEG PAIN, smoking, cholesterol, varicose veins, spider and snake bites
Motor neuron disease Amyotropic Lateral Sclerosis
ALS is the subject of our next fortunately less common medical conditions. It has to do with eating the right fats, and absolutely avoiding a high startch low fat diet. For more, click here:
The Chiropractic approach to disease, quite obviously, will not work all the time. Nothing works all the time. However, unlike medicine, Chiropractic has very few serious side-effects.
Natural methods may take longer - though often, a very sore back for example, they are a good deal quicker - and may mean some changes in lifestyle that you don't care to make. Like start walking, or alterating your diet.
However, these methods don't have the awful side-effects that medicines may have in the treatment of many common medical conditions. Did you know that about a quarter of a million people DIE every year in the USA from doctor-caused disease? Right now the Netherlands in confusion after THREE deaths in one week from vaccinations. For more information about iatrogenic illness, click here:
The kegel exercises are for the nine muscles that make up the sling in the pelvic girdle that supports important structures like the bladder and uterus. Few of them are under conscious control and they are difficult to exercise.
The kegel exercises have been changed slightly from the older version; no longer do you actually stop the urine flow; you simply imagine that you are urinating and are going to contract the muscles to halt it.
Did you know that incontinence is a common result from taking hormone replacement therapy? Then the kegel exercises may not help.
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