Pain in left ilium following hip surgery five months ago.

by Ann Catlow
(Seekonk, Mass)

I am 65 years of age and had hip surgery done five months ago due to much pain. I still limp, cannot put a lot of pressure on that leg, cannot climb stairs well, or lift slightly heavy objects. Orthopedic says x-ray indicates something in the ilium...probably arthritis. My weight is good and I exercise and take yoga classes twice a week but still have pain and limp. I am wondering if further tests should be done such as an MRI or bone scan. Dcotor says he does not want me to be exposed to further radiation from these types of tests. I have a history of breast cancer (operated on 7 years ago)

Hello Ann,
I'm afraid that without careful chiropractic examination, it's impossible to tell if our care might contribute or not.

The question is did something go wrong with the surgery itself (do you have pain in the groin and very specifically around the hip joint when you pull your knee to the chest and rotate the leg?) or is the disability due to a concommitent subluxation of the sacro-iliac joint, something that goes hand in hand with hip arthritis.

I recommend you look for a chiropractor who has a specific interest in, and some experience of treating post-hip surgery patients. It may well be that chiropractic can contribute, perhaps not. An opinion from another orthopaedic surgeon may also be of merit.

TAke all your scans and X-rays with you. Do your best to keep fit. Wonderful that you are still exercising despite the pain.

Dr. Barrie Lewis

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