sore lower back, hips & pain in groin.

Greetings from P.M.B

I do competitive cycling but have had to stop as after riding for about 30kms the pain starts in my lower back and graduates to the front of my legs. It eventually effects my power. This is irrespective of whether I ride in drops or on top of the bars. I have had my bike set up checked and saddle height etc is correct.

When off the bike I have a niggling pain in what seems to be my right lower back and have pain in my right groin. If I lie on my back and bend my right knee and then rotate my right leg over my left I feel a sharp pain in my hip area.

I,ve tried running instead of cycling but this aggravates the pain in my groin.

Please help


Erik (age 42)

Hello Erik,
Thank you for a very full explanation.
The lumbar spine, sacro-iliac joints and hips are very interconnected, sharing many of the same muscles and nerves. So quite often it's difficult deciding which is the chicken, and which the egg. That only a careful chiropractic exam will identify as the real underlying cause.

It would seem from what you say that the hip joint itself is key: pain in the groin, and pain rotating the hip.

I would recommend you start by getting an X-ray of your pelvis and lumbar spine. There are a number of hip conditions like hip dysplasia, femero-acetabular-impingement syndrome and hip arthritis that need to be considered. All are very treatable, but we would need to know what is happening and if present, how advanced the condition is. And you want to know too.

Enter these terms into the Search this Site function at C-H for more info.

When you've got the X-rays, let me know. I could fill in the requisition forms, or you could ask your GP.

I hope this has contributed.

Dr B.

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Jun 01, 2011
Piriformis Muscle
by: Dr Rene

I must agree with Dr B.

I have also seen this numerous times is my practice. One of the keys that I have found was treating the Piriformis muscle with Myo-Fascial Dry Needling, after Adjusting the relevant joints that are disfunctional (all the way to the neck)

This has helped so many cyclists.

Get the whole Kinematic chain functioning to the best of its ability.


Check out my page and feel free to comment

Dr Rene

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