Lower leg pain

by Fraser
(Essex, UK)

My girlfriend has had surgery on a double Mortons Neuroma, in September, and while she is walking better, now has lower leg pain, and actions such as putting on socks causes her pain. The skin from the top of the foot to her calves is extremely sensitive. Help.

Hello Fraser,
This is a question to direct to the surgeon who treated her. Frankly it's a little uncertain, as the operation shouldn't have affected the ankle joints, or the nerves that supply the top of her foot and lower leg.

There is a rare complication of surgery called causalgia.

Whilst chiropractors who specialise in feet, regularly treat Morton's neuroma, I don't think this is now a case for a chiropractor; not at this stage at any rate. Pursue this with your medical doctor.

Dr B

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Jan 03, 2015
final diagnosis
by: Dr B

Let me know what the upshot of all this please Fraser. More of an academic interest than anything.

Dr B

Jan 02, 2015
Lower leg pain
by: Anonymous

Thank you very much for that, it has helped. She will be getting an appointment ASAP!

Thank you.


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