lower back pain causing legs to give out
by Chris
(Yermo, CA, USA)
Do you ever go squiff like this?
Lower back pain causing legs to give out warrants further examination.
I went to the chiropractor and he said my system keeps turning off and I end up loosing feeling in my legs, and have fallen at least once.
I am 37 years old, and he said that there were 3 possible reasons for it to be shutting off, (severe emotional stress, severe injury, or increased use of drugs). I haven't had a severe injury, haven't done any drugs, but not sure how stressed my body might be so am leaning toward that option. What can I do to figure out what is causing it, and how do I fix the problem?
Hello Chris,
When you have lower back pain that is affecting BOTH legs, and causing them to give out which is what we call a hard neurological sign, I'd recommend an opinion from a neurologist.
Did your chiropractor check your reflexes and did he find out specifically which muscles are giving out? It tells a lot. You can do some of it yourself by following the link below.
Have x-rays been taken and what did they show? What you describe in many ways fits with what we called lumbar spinal stenosis, but you're young for that.
More information is needed, especially seeing you are starting to fall, and that means more tests. Do you have pain in the legs?
Let me know please when you have more information.
Dr B
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