Fish oil health benefits

Fish oil health benefits are enormous, delicious and diverse. Cheap too, if you make our FISH BOUILLON (scroll down); what more do you want?!

We like to emphasise at Chiropractic Help that eating healthily does not have to be expensive. In fact, it will save you bundles of cash, both directly and directly. And in any case, how do you measure the cost of a heart attack or stroke, or arthritis, or a hyperactive child. Yes, diverse, that is what fish oil health benefits are about.

Is fresh fish oil ever harmful? Absolutely not. However, research shows that oxidised fish oils have exactly the opposite effect on your blood vessels: they increase atherosclerosis and thrombosis.

So, make your own fish bouillon ... see lower down. If you have access to a fresh fish market.

Oxidised fish oil

"Many fish oil samples from the UK and Asian markets that we have tested contain oxidation byproducts, despite being within the sell-by date."

Dr Carlene McLean, New Zealand's Crop & Food Research Institute.

Sea fishing by Lorraine Harrison.

At Chiropractic Help we think that extracting your own is far cheaper, delicious and safer than running the risk of buying oxidised fish oil capsules laced with mercury. We know of no side effects when it's fresh; there are huge benefits from the omega 3.

There are three omega-3 fatty acids. Two (DHA and EPA) are found in fish oil. The other (ALA) is found in many vegetarian foods, but is richest in flax and nuts.

Read more at flax seed nutrition information and walnuts blood pressure.


  • Directly:

You happily spend a large sum on buying omega-3 capsules, salmon oil, and the like. Fresh, they are excellent, but there are certainly difficuties with the oil in capsules, apart from the price ... could you make your own in your home? Absolutely, for a fraction of the price. Not only cheaper, but also better. Why? How?

  • Indirectly

If you eat UNhealthily, you are going to fork out thousands and thousands, hundreds of thousands over a life time, on medical and chiropractic care. You are going to be paying for cholesterol lowering medication, with all their side-effects, your hyperactive child will be starting on taking daily medicines even before he or she is ten years old, and your aging cartilage is going to require far more chiropractic care.

I had a new patient yesterday complaining of pain in her neck, shoulder, low back, groin and both ankles. It took only a brief exam to confirm: the hyaline cartilage in virtually all her joints is shot.

On further questioning she said: My husband doesn't like, and won't eat fish. We almost never eat fish. Whilst that is only an anecdote, there is MUCH scientific evidence confirming the benefits of fish oil.


It's difficult to write these in order of importance. They're all important, so here goes ... what does fish oil do ?


    The Omega-3 oils in salmon keep the blood vessels clean and keep the fats in the blood in solution, maintaining healthy artery walls. It's absolutely proven now that those who eat fish twice a week, have far less heart disease, chest pain, stroke, arteriosclerosis ... the fish oil - cholesterol link is now well established.

    How much omega fish oil? You can't overdose, but of course if you are seriously overweight ... cut back on the other fats in your diet, like that from dairy and red meat. The benefit of fish oil is now so strongly proven. CHEST PAIN ...

    The diabetes fish oil connection is also important, because diabetics run a much higher risk of diseased arterial walls. Especially think fish oil children if you have a diabetic child ... DIABETES OSTEOPOROSIS ...


    "I love fish oils. As a clinician, I use fish oil for a lot of different things, mostly due to its anti-inflammatory properties."

    - Dr Lynne Shinto, assistant professor at Oregon Health and Science University.

    • Anti inflammatory omega 3 ...

    This is where our fish bouillon comes into its own. It contains all the necessary substances like glucosamine and gelatine for your cartilage, PLUS the omega-3.  Fresh like this, there are no side effects of fish oil, and fish oil for kids is a must.

    Another way to make your own Gelatine powder for arthritis but made at home ... it's dead easy, actually I don't worry about the powder stage. We make a soup with the gel.


    There is wonderful research done in England proving that children taking a mixture of Fish Oil and Evening Primrose Oil capsules suffer from far less dyslexia and attention deficit. The fish oil - problem-child connection is now well established.

    The brain is after all 60% fat, fully half of which is the omega-3 DHA, and if your child's brain doesn't get the enough of the essential fatty acids, s/he just won't cope.

    The Chiropractic Help DYSLEXIA page ... fish oil for kids.


Scientists in Canada, examining the effect of fish oil on Parkinsons and Alzheimers, have now proved that fish oil gives very significant protection against the toxic effects of certain preservatives like nitric oxide that target the brain. Avoid preserved meats... and enjoy omega-3 rich foods.

And so the list of fish oil health benefits goes on and on ... here's how to easily and cheapily protect yourself and your family from all these nasty diseases ...

"I use Omega 3 fatty acids as an anti inflammatory in the management of my post-surgical patients."

Dr Thomas Meade, orthopaedic surgeon.


A fish bone extract contains gelatine, glucosamine, chondroitin sulphate and hyaluronic acid, in addition to omega 3 fish oil. It's a powerful health package, bursting with healthy nutrients. And you can make it in less than an hour.


Go to your fishmonger and buy either a whole salmon (expensive, but delicious and healthy, you don't get better food) or, if all you want is cheap fish oil health benefits, then buy the skeleton including the head. Once he has filleted the salmon, he will probably throw the remains away. At the Rotterdam market, I can buy a salmon skeleton, still with a lot of flesh on it, and including the head for a Euro each, if I buy three. Just over $1.

A salmon filet is a wonderful source of the omega-3 rich oil.

There remains a huge amount of food value once the flesh has been removed. That's where you can cash in. For just a little trouble ... this beauty costs me €1.70 - about $2. The fishmonger admitted that it would have gone to the seagulls in an hour's time. He's happy, I'm delighted, the seagulls alas missed out today! (actually they got the remains once I had finished extracting the fish oil health benefits)

What's left after a salmon is filleted.


Salmon makes a wonderful fish bouillon.

Place your whole ugly gooey fish skeleton including the tail and head in a heavy kettle, add a few pepper corns, cover with boiling water, and simmer for one hour.

A salmon bouillon boiling for the oil.

Remember, fish oil is a powerful antioxidant, so is itself very rapidly oxidised.

That's why fish goes bad so quickly. Once you have your skeleton, don't delay.


Strain off the bouillon. It's not worth trying to get the flesh; most of the nutrients have been boiled out, and it's tasteless, finicky and a lot of effort. Feed it to the gulls. You could do a second extraction for say fifteen minutes if you have the time, but I don't bother.

Straining the salmon bouillon for the oil.


This is finicky but worth the effort. Carefully prize open the head, chuck the gills, using your fingers look for the rich, thick gelatinous stuff - it's full of your omega three oil and the cartilage extracts that we want. Add to your bouillon and throw the head. Keep the eyes if you can stomach the thought.

Right your fish oil health benefits are all ready for that soup.


A homemade fish soup rich in all the benefits.

Now make yourself a delicious healthy FISH SOUP ... piece of cake!

So, was it worth all the effort? That depends on two or three things:

  • Do you want the tastiest, healthiest fish soup for you and your family? Is it important? Important enough to turn off the telly, and get to work?
  • Do you enjoy cooking? If this would be sheer drudgery for you, well then I myself would just buy a can of fish soup, and accept second-best.
  • Do you have a serious distrust of the food processing industry? I confess I do. They profit because we have become accustomed to second, third and tenth best when it comes to the flavour and richness of good food. Mostly you pay ten times as much, and get a tenth of the value. That's a 100x loss.



Do you want to understand those terms like HDL and LDL, and are you worried because your doctor has told you your cholesterol is 230. Just how bad is that, and is there something you can do...?


  • FOODS THAT LOWER CHOLESTEROL ... it's not rocket science.

Again, use site search function to find these links in bold.


Not enthusiastic about fish oil healthy benefits? I have a vegetarian aunt who at 91 is in unbelievably good health, physical and mental. She walks five miles every Sunday with a friend, they share a beer at a pub and catch the bus home... could you do that?

She takes a tablespoon of freshly ground flaxseed every morning with her muesli.

Up to a point these three omega-3 fatty acids, ALA, DHA and EPA, are interconvertible.

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