Can't lift right heel off ground, back issues in thoracic and cervical

by Cathy Mueller
(Silver Springs, FL)

I woke up 2 days ago and couldn't walk, couldn't lift my right heel off the ground. Went to hospital, they did MRI on lumbar, said everything okay there. Left room to go to my car, told them I would be right back, then they said I left, but didn't. They sent the lumbar to my physician, but that showed everything okay. I've had pain in my right hip for about a year now (wakes me up at night), but the pain meds I take for my herniated discs in thoracic and cervical take care of the pain. This came on suddenly, with no injury. I did have foot drop about 10 years ago, but that was the classic foot drop - couldn't lift toes and front of foot off ground. That lasted about 6 weeks. I don't have insurance, so can't afford any of the tests. Any suggestions?

Hello Cathy,
Mm, no pain in the leg? If you bend SLOWLY forwards, and to the side, backwards, carefully, do you get pain in the leg?

Sitting in an upright chair, raise your good leg, remember what you feel in the leg. Lower that leg, now raise the naughty leg. Is it painful or much tighter in the right leg?

Can you not raise the heel because it hurts, or because it's weak?

In really quite rare cases, spinal stenosis in the neck can cause weakness in the leg. But really it's not common.

You've saved many thousands of dollars by not having insurance. Now use some of that saved money to see a chiropractor in your neck of the woods.

Meantime, go to Lower Back exercises at C-H and start with our exercises. Gently.

What's needed is a good thorough chiropractic examination. Chat to family and friends, your doctor. There's certain to be a chiropractor able to help. Take your scan.

I hope this contributes. Let me know about those tests.

Dr B

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Dec 07, 2018
Right leg issue
by: Anonymous

Cannot lift right leg off the ground. Have fallen a number of times and will not walk without a walker. I don’t know what to do to correct this problem. I’ve seen number of doctors and nothing seems to help. Also seeing a therapist.

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