lower back pain

by Alicia

Hello doctor,

I am a 26 year old female in relatively good health. For much of my life I was significantly over weight but for at least 4 years I have been in a more normal weight range. Still overweight but not shockingly so. I run, jump, hike, swim, etc with no issues.

About two weeks ago I was at work and noticed that my back hurt a bit while I was sitting down. By that evening the pain was significant and has remained at the same level for about two weeks. I can not recall any type of injury taking place and any other time I have had back pain there was always a specific event I could trace it to.

The most comfortable position for me is standing. I have still been able to go for walks and even practice jump shots. Its terribly painful to sit down, bend forward, sneeze, laugh, or switch positions while sleeping.

And by terribly painful I mean it literally takes my breath away.

I have been using a heating pad with no effect at all, except that maybe it distracts me. I have tried maloxican (could be spelling that incorrectly but I had some left over from a previous, separate injury)as well as OTC pain relievers and noninflammatory with literally ZERO effect.

I am at a loss. Any time I have visited the doctor for back pain in the past they always just give me ibuprofen and tell me to take it easy, so I do not want to waste a visit to the office if I do not have to. But it has been well over a week and is getting slightly more painful as time progresses instead of slightly better.
Any input would be so very appreciated.


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Aug 03, 2014
Lifestyle has left its mark
by: Dr B

Hello Alicia,
I wrote a long reply, but it seems to have been lost in the ether. Apologies.

Well done on losing all that weight; it's a big achievement, not just for your back but for your whole health. Strictly limiting carbohydrate, particularly those with a high glycemic index is the easiest way now to keep it off. Read up on the meaning of GI and religiously avoid high glycemic index carbs.

What's also great is that you've become much more active. Obesity unfortunately often goes with the couch potato lifestyle, a double wammy, but it's fantastic that you've made a break of it. Congratulations, and keep it up. Think about the swimming pool too.

You must stop for a bit now, though. You've clearly injured a disc in your back and if you persist with running and jumping you are going to get pain down the leg. Look rather for the next month to our lower back exercises at Chiropractic Help.

Your previous lifestyle unfortunately has left its mark on your back and you are going to have to be careful now. Find a chiropractor who will work with you, and with whom you feel comfortable.

Good luck,

Dr B

Aug 03, 2014
Acute low back pain
by: Barrie

Hello Alicia,
I wrote a long reply, but it seems to have been lost in the ether. Apologies.

Well done on losing all that weight; it's a big achievement, not just for your back but for your whole health. Strictly limiting carbohydrate, particularly those with a high glycemic index is the easiest way now to keep it off. Read up on the meaning of GI and religiously avoid high glycemic index carbs.

What's also great is that you've become much more active. Obesity unfortunately often goes with the couch potato lifestyle, a double wammy, but it's fantastic that you've made a break of it. Congratulations, and keep it up. Think about the swimming pool too.

You must stop for a bit now, though. You've clearly injured a disc in your back and if you persist with running and jumping you are going to get pain down the leg. Look rather for the next month to our lower back exercises at Chiropractic Help.

Your previous lifestyle unfortunately has left its mark on your back and you are going to have to be careful now. Find a chiropractor who will work with you, and with whom you feel comfortable.

Good luck,

Dr B

Jul 29, 2014
by: Alicia

Update, I ended up in awful pain over the weekend and the mister insisted that I go to the hospital. After reviewing some xrays they determined I have non-specific degenerative conditions to the spine and a narrowing between L4 and L5. I am only 26 years old. What does this mean? What can I do to limit this problem?

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