New problem floppy foot and tingling leg and after next adjustments tingling arms.

by Don
(Madison, WI.)

Lower back pain from helping my handicap wife from chair to bathroom, in bed and so on. Chiropractor did adjustments first in my lower back for my pain he continued with two other adjustments one in my upper neck the top bone and about half way down. My back pain left my lower back that day but three days later my right leg become weak and my foot started to flop. Returned to Chiropractor to find out what going on, he continued to treat me at these points.

Now my arms and hands have become weakened, I feel the nerves as well as my hands shake. This is my fifth visit and wonder if its time to change doctors.

Hello Don,
Obviously it's difficult for me to judge what's happening but, looking from afar, it seems that there are misconceptions here, perhaps on your part, but perhaps on your chiropractor's too.

A pain like you had in the beginning just isn't going to get better in one treatment; it takes a course of adjustments, rehab exercises and being careful for a few weeks to recover.

You make no mention of a course of treatments, and nothing about exercises; am I missing something?

The fact your felt much better for three days suggests the treatment was correct and effective; but there's no follow up until after the pain goes down your leg. That's was a mistake. Miracles we do at once but the impossible takes a little longer!

After the adjustment your back is particularly vulnerable for a period but unfortunately for you, because of your circumstances, you just can't be careful and avoid heavy lifting for a week or two.

That floppy foot and tingling leg is certainly serious and needs to be evaluated.

I am unsure what to recommend; you must decide that perhaps with more discussion with your original chiropractor (perhaps take a print out of this letter), perhaps with your GP. But make sure you start doing some exercises every morning before getting out of bed, and try to be careful with lifting your wife.

I hope this contributes.

Dr B

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